Overlooked yet Simple

Why?  Why do most workplaces skip over positive feedback and recognition?  Over my 30 years working in and with a variety of industry sectors and organizations of all types and sizes, the focus is overwhelmingly on intensity and improvement – “you achieved that, but it could have been better.”  “We’re making progress, but do more and work harder.”  Etc. etc. 

These messages aren’t inherently bad – high standards and challenging goals are important.  But when those are the ONLY points that are emphasized – when there is rarely a sense of victory or even just recognition of progress – the risk of demotivating your team is high.  And staff might even start thinking, “what’s the point of working so hard when it’s never enough?”  (Not that they would say that to your face.)  At a minimum, they might become numb to further calls for action.  And hey, that could lead to this quiet quitting thing we’ve all heard about ad nauseum. 

And here’s the thing - it’s SO EASY to pause and recognize progress or celebrate small wins.  Dedicate the beginning of your staff meeting – on a regular basis – to each person sharing a piece of good news or something they are proud of.  (Note: employees are so unfamiliar with being asked this question that it will take them a minute to respond at first.)  In a 1x1 with your employee, don’t just say “Good job on that” and fly past it to talk about the mountain of challenges that are next.  Say “Good job because (specific behavior or action) led to (positive impact).”  And ask them how they did that.  Or what they liked about it or whatever – just ask for a response.  Please, take a moment to sit with the good stuff.  Get more ideas here.

If there’s one thing I want you to remember in 2023, it’s this – creating regular moments for recognition and/or celebration does Not encourage complacency.  The opposite actually.  Evidence shows that positive feedback drives the actions and results you want to see much more effectively than critical feedback.  Critical or improvement feedback is necessary at times, but again – if it’s the main thing you focus on… 

Here’s to 2023 – may victories large and small await you.


I See You


Chunk It Baby